2013년 1월 29일 화요일

Re; [HNLnews] & [StanleysnKim] of [Google.Blogger]
Carefully checked for several days and found many Fans were disconnected
caused by wrong Google.Blogger.name as HNLnews, and these 2 Bloggers
have been prepared to contact [Stanley SungNam Kim] easily, even in the cases
that [HNL-news] was misunderstood as [HNLnews]...!

 For just in cases, followings are contact.Urls :
*[HNL-news] of [Goggle.Blogger] Url: https://hnl-news.blogspot.com
*[SungNam Kim (Stanley)] or  [김성남 (Stanley)]: Reg.Url:  
  https://www.facebook.com/stanleysungnam.kim or Email: snkim8888@naver.com
*[HNL] Reg.Url: https://www.facebook.com/HNLnews
*[SNL] Reg.Url: https://www.facebook.com/SNLnews
*[HNLnews] of [Naver.Blog] Reg.Url: https://blog.naver.com/snkim8888/100177903124
*[Web.Domain]: https://www.hnl-news.com

Please refer [Shortcut] to set up [HNL-news.lines] on [Mobile.Smart.Phone].
  (페이스북에서 HNL-news를 스마트폰으로 보는 방법에 관한 안내는
   구글.Blog 또는 네이버.Blog를 참조 하세요!)
  Think above information will be helpful for you to contact [HNL]more easily...!

Best Regards,
Stanley SungNam Kim - Seoul   Jan. 29, 2013

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